
Showing posts from May, 2021


 Dear Readers, Happy Mothers Day to all the cool moms out there!  Mothers are walking angels on Earth. They wake up before the alarm clock and sleep after everyone in the house dozes off. They are the sunshine which make the small buds blossom into scintillating flowers. Words can never be the manifestations of their care and selfless love.  Well, as child our mother is the first who hears the tumults of joy and mayhems of our life. But as time fades away and one moves out from his/her abode for career or jobs, the tender connection with one's mother becomes bleak. One becomes so workaholic that calls from one's mother becomes a response sheet. She remains in the same place, throughout the years, becoming more and more grey-haired, waiting for the whole day for that five-minute call. She frets for his/her beloved's welfare but does one show even 0.01% care for her?  Dear readers, remember that she is growing old too. I think that everyday is MOTHER'S DAY. Do we really n