
Showing posts with the label scientific facts based posts


Do you remember the day when going to a doctor or a simple hug from a loved ones had put a balm to your sufferings? Yes, I am talking about the classical Placebo effect, which is actually the single greatest indicator of the fact that your mind can heal yourself or at least provide comfort to a certain extent. ( The second instance of hugging can also be linked to increase in the concentration of oxytocin in blood). In my opinion it is the most fascinating theories in the fields of biology that I have ever encountered.  Now let me define it in scientific terms: Placebo effect is when an improvement of symptoms is observed, despite using a non-active substance. There were numerous instances that the non-active drug, known as placebo, has lowered pain in depressed souls and cancer patients. I am posting a link  if anyone really wants the proof, as it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything on insufficient evidence.[ detailed explanation of Placebo's effect wit