Do you remember the day when going to a doctor or a simple hug from a loved ones had put a balm to your sufferings? Yes, I am talking about the classical Placebo effect, which is actually the single greatest indicator of the fact that your mind can heal yourself or at least provide comfort to a certain extent. ( The second instance of hugging can also be linked to increase in the concentration of oxytocin in blood). In my opinion it is the most fascinating theories in the fields of biology that I have ever encountered. 

Now let me define it in scientific terms: Placebo effect is when an improvement of symptoms is observed, despite using a non-active substance. There were numerous instances that the non-active drug, known as placebo, has lowered pain in depressed souls and cancer patients. I am posting a link  if anyone really wants the proof, as it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything on insufficient evidence.[detailed explanation of Placebo's effect with scientific data]

The power of imagination stimulates the concerned parts of the brain. It changes the chemical interaction of an individual's body. Just thinking of running or dancing can stimulate the concerned motor coordinating  centres in the brain. In medical sciences, doctor may even prescribe a sugar pill (a placebo) in place of a medication and a person will experience reduction in pain or fatigue. Well, most of us have heard doctors saying that they can't save a person because he/she is not willing to live and the treatments are grasping at straws  in dire straits. On the other hand people have even fought cancer -the biggest malady- by being positive. This is not only a mere saying but studies have revealed that hope and optimism increases the Beta-lymphocytes-the guardians of the immunity of our  body!

Negative thinking and stress are like rubbing salt in an already painful situation. If you are in pain and give space to negative thinking, the negative thinking will inflict more pain to you- it is a vicious cycle. Scientifically, it is known as Nocebo effect- the negative Placebo effect. 

 Dear readers, it is my smallest effort to remind you the science of being positive in such trying times. It is my heartfelt request to stay positive and trust in the treatments provided to you. I know that the pain and frustration can make people suspicious about doctors and the treatments available to them. But try to understand their strenuous working conditions. Building treacherous walls of apprehension will bring down your immunity and make you more vulnerable to the minisicle virus or any disease in general. Staying optimistic and being  tranquil as well as  placid might be the elixir of your life, who knows! Do respect and trust your doctors as they are working their fingers to their bones to save every precious soul. 

(BEWARE: I am not trained in medicine profession, so please don't blindly believe in any of the mentioned facts. I have tried to provide the correct information and facts upto my knowledge and understanding. The reason behind writing this blog is to make people stay positive. It is just a small effort of mine in a world where people are pooling in much bigger resources to help. )

~Stay happy  

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